“Live Jesus in Our Hearts”
As a Deaf student, I am studying in a college school that serves as memorial of Saint Benilde. I have listened attentively to whoever shares knowledge on
extraordinary life of Saint Benilde, avidly read materials and wall posts that feature the exemplary values constituting his total personality and observed how
individuals identify themselves as Benildean and Benildean community lives up to Benildean Core Values like deep root in faith, creativity, appreciation of individual uniqueness and worth, social responsibility, professional competency, and sense of nationhood. Reading the story about Saint Benilde’s life, I am inspired by his devotion to educating students from all walks of life and deeply appreciate his enthusiasm for learning sign language to teach a deaf boy Catechism.
In order to deepen my understanding of his inspirational message which says, “Benildean does ordinary things extraordinarily well”, I have studied in determination to pursue academic excellence, attended mass, participated in faith sharing, recollections, retreats, and a series of activities that teach me value formation and enhance spiritual growth, and been getting involved in curricular and extracurricular activities that encourage living in harmony and upholding BCV.
I am deeply impressed with Benildean community’s willing heart to provide financial aid and grant scholarship to poor students like me who desire to study in learner-centered institution to pursue academic excellence and professional career and attain their goals of serving people in need outside our campus. I have seen diligence, patience, mutual respect, and willingness in Benildean community. I have observed that Benildean community strengthens our relationships through transformational experiences guided by BCV and facilitates activities which enhance holistic human development. I sincerely appreciate how I gain benefit from wonderful opportunities being given by SDEAS and different departments that support mission-vision of DLS-CSB. Not only do I learn how St. Benilde influences them but also take action and share these significant learning with others outside our campus.
As a Deaf Benidean, I show how Jesus lives in our heart. I have helped my family do household chores and my parents do business. I have taught children and adults, who are interested in Deaf culture, how to use sign language in order to strengthen our relationship through communication. Moreover, I have been taking part in tree planting with care and respect for Mother Earth, undertaking activities that promote environmental awareness, provided service to the Deaf community, worked on construction project, and doing great opportunities in accordance with St. Benilde’s message saying: “Benildean does ordinary things extraordinarily well”.
Whatever difficulties I am experiencing, I know I alone cannot solve every problem but with God and through relationship with another, I make it through. I commit mistakes as a sinner so I humbly ask for God’s pardon. I appreciate God’s immense kindness toward me.
I am very happy that I am enjoying a Benildean life! I sincerely appreciate how Benildean community lives a similar life.
Remember to always be proud to be Benildeans and to always live Jesus in our hearts.
Thank you very much and Good day!
By Michael A. Lopez, Sophomore, Bachelor in Applied Deaf Studies,
Business Entrepreneurship Track, School of Deaf Education and Applied Studies,
De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
Very inspiration! He really touches my heart. I admire his message so very great.
Very inspiring and touching message from Kuya Michale Lopez. Thanks so much to him for sharing about Benilde's life and to always remember "Live Jesus in our hearts". I really got in touching heart so much for what he messaged for the real meaning.
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